I really have been wanting to get back into Blogging now that Logan is a little older and doesn't require as much constant attention. Plus we are so broke I really have the time. Although, I have to do it at work because my laptop cord is slowing dying. I need to purchase a new cord, but going back to the point about being broke I really can't afford to.
This wedding stuff didn't start out quite so stressful, but since we are broke it has become that way. There are certain things that we are expected to pay for by my parents. Such as: transportation for the wedding party from the church to the reception place, the photographer (which is a co-worked/friend Nova), our passports (that was an easy one), wedding rings (thats a big one since um you kinda need those when you get married...), gifts for the bridal party, programs for the wedding, donation to the church, 100.00 for a substitute priest to fill in at the saturday night mass, and hotel rooms for the bachelorette party & night of the wedding.
Seems very daunting. In my head the list seems very very long. It also keeps growing.
My soon to be mother in law was talking about paying for our wedding rings as our wedding gift. Although I would like our wedding present to be something that we want, I really am grateful she is going to do this for us because I didn't know how we were going to swing them. Rings are quite expensive. My great grandma always said that wedding rings were the cheapest thing you ever purchased. If you think about it she's right when you compare it to the price of a house, appliances, and everything else you need over the years. However, they are expensive when you don't have any money.. (go figure right).
I am also very worried about my friend Heather and her situation. She waited so long to find this job she's working at, and now she is going to be losing her job. She finds about monday when the placement facility she teaches at is closing down. They are probably giving them 2 weeks notice. She just started this job with company less than 90 days ago. I am hoping that going back to school will work out for her. I am praying that something good will happen for her. Being a single mom is hard, not to mention harder when getting no child support yet, and getting laid off. Bah stress.
Today is going to be a very long saturday, as I am blogging from work. These ten hour shifts on saturdays are killers. Ecspecially when I work ten hours on friday then waitress at my grandparents restaurant friday nights, and then again sunday mornings. I feel like the weekend is not an actual weekend. I am looking forward to my days off this week on wednesday and thursday. I am really looking forward to the honeymoon to Jamaica. SIGH! I really wish it were sooner than like 146ish days.
I know that I don't have any followers anymore, but I am going to start doing this for myself. I figure someone somewhere will start reading me. I hope anyway.
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