Against my better judgement and the pleading of my soon to be husband, I gave in to going camping this weekend with Chip's best friend Chuck, his significant other Becky, and their 3 kids. Adding in Logan, there are equal parts children to adults. I was kind of excited, because I hadn't been real camping in over 10 years.
Was being the operative word here.
I told him I would not go without an air mattress to sleep on, I have sleeping problems anyway so sleeping on the hard ground was not something I would negotiate. He did well, and borrowed an air mattress from his mom. Two cart fulls at Wal-mart and a very big bill later, we arrived at the campground at approximately 7pm. After the tents were set up, Chip went to get the air mattress out of the bag to set it up.
Whatever it was (looked like a blow up couch) ( who even has blow up couches, and why would you send that for us to sleep on) it was not a air mattress. It was clear on top and purple on bottom, with cup holders. Literally either a blog up couch or a butterfly pool float. Seriously. I was so seething madness, but I had to keep it inside and act like a good sport as we were with Chip's friends. I was a very good sport, as we slept on the ground last night. We had only brought two blankets too, so it was very hard. Poor chip didn't have any padding in between him and the ground as he doubled one of the blankets up for me, and we covered up with the other. That right there shows love.
We then proceeded to have dinner, and it was around 9:30pm before we ate. Logan by this time was uber-crabby and really needed to go to bed. I took him in and tried to get him to sleep, all he wanted to do was wander around the tent. I finally bribed him with his cup, and he laid down. He fell asleep quickly after that.
All was well until around two am when Logan started moving all around, and crying every so often. He would cry out, roll over a few times, then go back to sleep. That would last approximately 5 min, and he would do it all over again. Tried many positions with him next me to, in between us, next to chip. Nothing worked. Finally, at just after 3am when it was clear this wasn't working and Logan was not going to go back to sleep, Chip took Logan to his truck. He buckled him in the car seat and drove around the huge campground until he fell asleep. I got up for work at 5am and Logan was fast asleep in the car still with Chip at that point. Apparently Logan slept in the car until almost 9am.
I am so sore. The combination of Logan thrashing around and the hard ground, is killing me today. I told him that Logan and I would just go home tonight, but he could stay. He said OK at three am. At five am he looked at me with his pleading eyes again, said he would go get an air mattress from his moms (a real one). He said he would also drive out to our house to pick up my swim suit (which I told him to pack, and he still forgot) and the play pen for Logan to sleep with. I said fine, but if it still doesn't work we would be going home tomorrow. Three nights of little sleep, is not an option.
His mother didn't have an air mattress, so I authorized Chip to go buy one. At least we will be comfortable, because we bought the more expensive one. He did pick up the play pen, so Logan will have his own bed where he can be contained.
Fingers crossed things go better tonight. I swear if I am not sleeping at 3am I will be driving home!!!!!!
Hopefully I will have time to take some pictures today or tomorrow. I need to document Logan's first camping trip!!
The Little Things Make Life...
Blogging as my little one grows...

2 lbs at birth... My Logan
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Here I am..
Since I am finnally gotten the Save-the-dates for the wedding out, I feel I can relax a little bit. Yes only a little, because there is so so much more work to be done for the wedding. I am so looking forward to some of it, other stuff not so much. Like the part where we have to meet with a married couple from our church and talk about Natural Family Planning and Christian Sexuality. Yup, not looking forward to that much or the fact that it is going to cost 140.00 for 3 sessions.
Sounds fun huh?
Wanna do it for me?
Yeah I didn't think so. lol
I have been thinking of some really funny and fun things I could blog about lately. However since stress took over and this headache that has taken up permanent residence in my head, I can't remember any of the things I was going to write about. I am thinking of naming my headache though, I think since its been here so long it deserves a name. Any suggestions?
A couple weeks ago I was going through my old box of letters in my closet and came across letters from my childhood best friend Tabitha. We were really close until the age of 6 1/2 when we were separated because I moved to Illinois from Florida. We wrote eachother letters from then until about 16ish when the letters stopped. I think just getting older and having so much going on that we stopped writing eachother. We lost touch. Well thanks to the invention of Facebook and everyone and their mom being on there, I was able to locate her (and her mom). We have started talking again, mostly through text messages, and its nice. She has an 8 year old. Hopefully she is going to come up for my wedding and it'll be the first time we will have seen eachother in 11 years. I am looking forward to it.
Sounds fun huh?
Wanna do it for me?
Yeah I didn't think so. lol
I have been thinking of some really funny and fun things I could blog about lately. However since stress took over and this headache that has taken up permanent residence in my head, I can't remember any of the things I was going to write about. I am thinking of naming my headache though, I think since its been here so long it deserves a name. Any suggestions?
A couple weeks ago I was going through my old box of letters in my closet and came across letters from my childhood best friend Tabitha. We were really close until the age of 6 1/2 when we were separated because I moved to Illinois from Florida. We wrote eachother letters from then until about 16ish when the letters stopped. I think just getting older and having so much going on that we stopped writing eachother. We lost touch. Well thanks to the invention of Facebook and everyone and their mom being on there, I was able to locate her (and her mom). We have started talking again, mostly through text messages, and its nice. She has an 8 year old. Hopefully she is going to come up for my wedding and it'll be the first time we will have seen eachother in 11 years. I am looking forward to it.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I know I have been MIA...
I promise after this week I will be back to posting more. This wedding stuff is taking up all my time this week.
My child is also going to be spending the night at my in-laws. This will be his first sleep over. I am sure he will do fine, I am worried about how I will do. (I know it will be fine)(right?)
Now I must get back to addressing envelopes and writing addresses.
My child is also going to be spending the night at my in-laws. This will be his first sleep over. I am sure he will do fine, I am worried about how I will do. (I know it will be fine)(right?)
Now I must get back to addressing envelopes and writing addresses.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Not Cool
I called my mother a little while ago, and she informed me that they scheduled her MRI for Thursday. They have to sedate her for the MRI because she freaks out in small spaces. They are going to do it in Iowa City, which is about an hour and a half from us (give or take). They scheduled her appointment for 7am.
Apparently, I am the only person that is free that day to take her. (what?!?!)
We will have to leave at 5am.
5am on my day off, on the 1 of 2 days I get to sleep in a week. I am working between 48-50 hours a week right now.
This is not even right.
PLUS, I will have to keep a toddler happy and/or busy for about 2ish hours. In a hospital. I mean they have a children's play area outside, so that wouldn't be that difficult. However, its supposed to rain. BLAH
I have to get these save the dates out this week, and I am not even for sure I made enough. I really don't even know if I have a complete guest list yet, because my family are a bunch of procrastinators. They don't think I need the info because it is not until September. That's only 4 months. (Only 4 months to my wedding! WOW!) I guess that still think that is forever away, but it is not. Really. Come on.
I guess I will need to stalk Jamaica again today in order to de-stress.
Apparently, I am the only person that is free that day to take her. (what?!?!)
We will have to leave at 5am.
5am on my day off, on the 1 of 2 days I get to sleep in a week. I am working between 48-50 hours a week right now.
This is not even right.
PLUS, I will have to keep a toddler happy and/or busy for about 2ish hours. In a hospital. I mean they have a children's play area outside, so that wouldn't be that difficult. However, its supposed to rain. BLAH
I have to get these save the dates out this week, and I am not even for sure I made enough. I really don't even know if I have a complete guest list yet, because my family are a bunch of procrastinators. They don't think I need the info because it is not until September. That's only 4 months. (Only 4 months to my wedding! WOW!) I guess that still think that is forever away, but it is not. Really. Come on.
I guess I will need to stalk Jamaica again today in order to de-stress.
Monday, May 10, 2010
A couple weeks ago I mentioned that my mother in law stayed over night and that I made her a low fat/low sugar dessert, and that I would post pictures showing it. Well I am just now getting around to it. My internet connection at home is very slow for uploading pictures anymore. I used a flash drive and my work computer, then BAM I have them right here for your viewing pleasure.
Logan was a big help, when I say help I mean he licked the angel food cake batter from the beaters.
He wanted to eat the beater itself, but it wouldn't fit in his mouth.
He even tried to stick it in his mouth different way, but it still would not fit.
This is the end result.
It was very very YUMMY!!
It consisted of angel food cake cut into peices in a glass casserole dish. Covered in sugar free instant banana pudding, and fruit (I put blackberries, green grapes, and purple grapes. Any fruit an be used.)
Then as a bonus I have this super cute glamour-ish shot of Logan. He loves having his picture taken.
Notice the dirt or something on his right cheek. Yeah I wish I would have noticed that prior to the pictures.
As everyone knows yesterday is Mother's Day, and with our money situation the way it is, I completely didn't expect roses. Or two cards. I am very lucky.
Sigh.. SO pretty!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I am a Stalker.
I am a stalker.
I think its because I am so tired and worn out from working two jobs, and just being generally stressed out.
I am stalking Jamaica (nope, not a mistype). I am stalking the whole country hotel Thur travel advisor. I know I shouldn't obsess like this, yet I am going to continue to obsess. It relaxes me to know that all this hard work and planning will end with a happy result. Our marriage and then the trip to Jamaica.
See look at that: *SIGH* doesn't it make you want to just move there?
I think its because I am so tired and worn out from working two jobs, and just being generally stressed out.
I am stalking Jamaica (nope, not a mistype). I am stalking the whole country hotel Thur travel advisor. I know I shouldn't obsess like this, yet I am going to continue to obsess. It relaxes me to know that all this hard work and planning will end with a happy result. Our marriage and then the trip to Jamaica.
See look at that: *SIGH* doesn't it make you want to just move there?
This is the Hotel we are staying at. *ANOTHER LOUD SIGH*, its just beautiful. I want to live on that bridge(see delusional thoughts) (I can't really live on a bridge, or can i? )(no no i can't live on a bridge)
Thank ends today's stalking episode. Stay tuned, I am sure there will be more since I am not going to Jamaica until September 20th.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Banana's & Ice cream.
If i didn't know better I would think that I am pregnant.
Yes, I did say that out loud. It is not a jinx.
Yesterday for breakfast I had scrambled eggs with miracle whip and ketchup on them. For lunch, I had bananas dipped in chocolate chip ice cream. Which is Delicious.
However, I know better. I am not pregnant. Secondly, when I was pregnant I never craved weird things like this. Its really weird that every month I get these outrageous cravings.
In other news, Heather has an interview today and Monday. Please wish her luck as she will be laid off around July 1 and needs a new job asap!!..
***Update*** Heather is only take a test today, can still wish her luck for that and the actual interview which is Monday. She needs all the positive energy she can get right now!!!!
Yes, I did say that out loud. It is not a jinx.
Yesterday for breakfast I had scrambled eggs with miracle whip and ketchup on them. For lunch, I had bananas dipped in chocolate chip ice cream. Which is Delicious.
However, I know better. I am not pregnant. Secondly, when I was pregnant I never craved weird things like this. Its really weird that every month I get these outrageous cravings.
In other news, Heather has an interview today and Monday. Please wish her luck as she will be laid off around July 1 and needs a new job asap!!..
***Update*** Heather is only take a test today, can still wish her luck for that and the actual interview which is Monday. She needs all the positive energy she can get right now!!!!
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